The Purpose of the Retail Orphan Initiative (RetailROI) is to raise awareness and provide real solutions for the more than 400 million vulnerable children worldwide.
RetailROI has 3 primary goals:
Bring Awareness to the enormous needs of orphans worldwide:
There are over 143 Million Orphans in the world, according to UNICEF.
If Orphans were a country, they would be the 8th largest…larger than Russia.
A child dies every 5.2 seconds….that’s over 16,000 children EVERY DAY.
In the NY foster care system, 60% of children who age out end up homeless.
More children age out of care systems in 1 week than are adopted in an entire year.
Encourage companies (Retailers, Vendors, Manufacturers) to create programs internally for their companies to help with the need:
Be mentors for foster kids in your area
Provide non-paid leave for employees who adopt or who are foster parents
Establish grant or no-interest loan programs for employees who want to adopt
Raise Funds through the following ways to help “feet on the street” charities who are making a real difference:
Direct donations from companies and individuals
Making RetailROI a charity that receives matching funds from your company
Specially marked packages of toys, cereals, and clothing for kids
RoundUp for Orphans at the point-of-sale where consumers can round up their transactions to the nearest $